Davis Kuykendall

Davis Kuykendall min

Davis Introduced SEARCH to Charlotte in 1992 and serves as our area director. He holds degrees in Engineering from Vanderbilt University, an MBA from the University of Arkansas and a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. Before he landed in vocational ministry, Davis was a Marketing Representative with IBM’s National Accounts Division. Davis has served on the boards of the YMCA of Greater Charlotte, YMCA’s Camp Harrison and the Charlotte Leadership Forum. Davis and Valerie have three grown children.

Why did you choose to join Search? So many reasons…Because Search fits my grip. Because when I heard Search’s 1-2-3, I knew we had the same DNA. Because I love Monday more than Sunday. Because Search enables me to be who I am for Jesus. Because Search gives me the opportunity to maximize my gifts, interests, and passions. Because I wanted to sell something that I had a passion for.

Charlotte group

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